Major Malan’s Diary Part 1: The first desire

“From the time that God in His mercy led me to believe His Word, my whole heart was set on trying to glorify Him in the army. My desires were all to this end; and when our desires are in accordance with His will, we may leave them to Him to fulfil according to His...
How do I know I’m saved?

How do I know I’m saved?

It’s a question many of us have pondered at some point in our faith journey: “How do I know I’m saved?” It’s a deeply personal and profound question, and I’m glad you’re seeking clarity on it. Firstly, let’s talk about...

Ezra 1:1-5

What stirs your heart? How has God moved your heart?Reflect on these questions as you read Ezra 1:1-5 and listen to this week’s sermon. Israel’s sins led them into exile from their Promised Land, first under Babylon and then Medo-Persia. Before the exile...