The Architecture of Saint George’s Church

The following is an extract from a talk given by church member and architect Richard Heald, at a dinner held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the re-consecration of St. George’s in 1946, and the 25th anniversary of the admittance of St. George’s into the Diocese...

Major Malan’s Diary Part 4: The second desire

Yes there was so much more that God enabled His servant to do during his two and  half year command in these barracks. His second desire was to be able to tell his men about the Lord Jesus Christ, who loved them and gave Himself for them. There was no regular...

Major Malan’s Diary Part 4: Fanning the flame

When the jungle was cleared, it had to be burned. On one occasion, after it was fired a breeze sprung up, and drove the flames down towards a little thatched building near the canteen. I saw the flames almost touching it, and high over it. If that building caught, the...

Major Malan’s Diary Part 3: Anyone for cricket?

I was one day going round the barracks on duty, not long after the first clearing was made, when I halted outside a barrack-room which stands above the cricket ground. Looking down upon what was then thick jungle between me and the canteen, I said to my...

Major Malan’s Diary Part 2: Clearing the way

The Tanglin Barracks, at Singapore, are situated on two high plateau, on one of which stands nine bungalows, the same size as those in the picture, and on the other, two more, forming the hospital. These large buildings, built to allow a free circulation of air...

Major Malan’s Diary Part 1: The first desire

“From the time that God in His mercy led me to believe His Word, my whole heart was set on trying to glorify Him in the army. My desires were all to this end; and when our desires are in accordance with His will, we may leave them to Him to fulfil according to His...